A Guide to 14mm vs 16mm Thick Pickleball Paddles

There are many subtleties when considering the perfect thickness for your new pickleball paddle. The two most common thickness types are 14mm and 16mm.
While most beginners will not notice a large difference in their game when switching between these two paddle core sizes, an experienced player will feel the difference immediately.
The answer as to which of these two paddles is best is entirely dependent on your play style and strengths. To help with this decision, I will present two player personas of who should choose the 14mm and who should choose the 16mm paddle thickness.
Who Should Choose the 14mm Paddle
You should choose the 14mm if you need extra power on your shot. Perhaps you struggle to hit powerful slams and volleys. A 14mm will allow you to get more “pop” on your hits which will feel as if the ball is flying off your paddle… bad news for your opponent!
Do you find that your volleys are often easily returned by your opponents? This may be an indication that you need more power on your shot. A surprisingly easy way to do this is to get a thinner paddle. Therefore, the 14mm, or even thinner, would be a good option for you. There are a number of excellent 14mm paddles that have been released recently, including this one from Paddletek.
If you feel very confident in your ability to control the ball and have strong skills in dinking, your game may see a boost from adding more power.
Who Should Choose the 16mm Paddle
A player should choose the 16mm paddle thickness if they are looking for more control on their shot and do not struggle with power. If you feel confident in how hard you are hitting your shots, slams, and volleys, then perhaps it may be worth upgrading your control levels with a thicker paddle.
16mm paddles tend to have a larger sweet spot, making each hit a little more consistent. They have more give than a 14mm allowing more time to add spin to the ball when hitting technical shots. The thicker paddle also does a better job at absorbing the shock a ball sends through your paddle to your hand, which is an added benefit to many players.
If you come from a tennis background, then you may prefer a slightly thicker, heavier paddle. Most previous-tennis players have no problems generating power and are used to a heavier racket. If this is you, we recommend the 16mm. Consider checking out the A11N Zenith Pro Spin paddle which we have also reviewed.
To put it in as few words as possible, if you want more power go with the 14mm and if you want more control than go with the 16mm paddle. At the end of the day it is all about personal preference. We recommend playing with a friend’s thick or thin paddle to have a better idea of which type you prefer.